
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Getty Images Report

Sir Guyon Tempted by Phaedria
This shot has the diffusion and blooming I would like in my shot.

A Banquet Piece by Pieter Claesz
This painting makes good use of light and shadows to bring out the form of the subjects, which I would want to mimic for the foreground jellyfish in my shot. Also, it has the nice shaft of light that would make my shot look interesting.

Portal of Rouen Cathedral in Morning Light
This painting has the obvious diffusion that would be appropriate for the background jellyfish in my shot.

Souvenir of a Meadow at Brunoy
This painting has the affinity of hue and diffusion that would be a good reference for the background in my shot.

Lady with Cape and Hat

This painting controls what is shown well with dark shadows and gives the subject a nice rim light, which are good references for my jellyfish and kelp.

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