I've updated my VOP POP to allow for intervals between the switching of vectors, and also to allow control of the amount of time when blending occurs. Unfortunately, it might not be used in the end..
Anyway, the Two way switches function the same way as an if statement, taking the value from a compare node and deciding whether to output input 1 or 2. It looks like a big convoluted mess, but what it's doing is basically deciding whether to blend at the current frame based on the value returned by the modulus. here is where the interval can be controlled. If value of 10 is given, the node will do $F%10 and the compare returns a true value if $F%10 = 0 and a false if $F%10=/=0. And so the particle continues on its current course since a zero value is being plugged into the bias of the mix.
Some problems I will encounter in the near future: Placing a swarm of about a thousand jellyfish on the screen. Instancing completely isn't an option, since the tentacles of each jellyfish will have a unique motion based on the particle's motion. A solution I have in mind is to instance all the jellyfish heads and use a foreach to sim every single one of the tentacles.
Also, refined the wiresim today so it looks more like what I'd expect jellyfish tentacles to behave.
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